Stockport Council is currently producing a Design Code for our places and spaces.
Design Codes are a set of principles and rules for new development to help create better and more sustainable places and neighbourhoods. We want to make sure that the code addresses the things which are important to local people.
This is your opportunity to help shape the scope and content of the design code. The survey will ask what things you would most like to see improved and what your priorities are for future development in Stockport.
Find out more about the project and design codes
We are currently in the ‘Analysis’ stage (1 of 4) of the project which is focused on involving local people and communities and gathering background information.
Stages 2 and 3 of the project will also include opportunities to get involved and more information will be added here in due course, in addition to the results of this survey and how it has influenced the project.
Stage 1 - Analysis and early engagement
December 2024 to February 2025This stage focuses on analysis and community and stakeholder engagement to inform the issues the code addresses and to understand local priorities for new development.
Stage 2 - Vision
February 2025 to March 2025This stage focuses on developing and defining a vision that underpins the design code. Continued community engagement will also be included.
Stage 3 - Coding
April 2025 to June 2025This stage focuses on producing design code elements and the production of the design code. As the design code develops, community engagement will be undertaken to test elements of the code.
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